6th Jul, 2020
Financial Plan for a Business
Setting up a business plan can be one of the most daunting tasks that a business owner or an entrepreneur may come across in the process of setting up their business…
6th Jul, 2020
Are cash incentives taxable in South Africa and how do incentives get taxed?
Incentives can be either cash-based or non-cash incentives. If we look at cash incentives then these can be in the form of a…
6th Jul, 2020
What's new?
What is…
6th Jul, 2020
Calculating PAYE
There are two standard methods for calculating employees’ tax – periodic and averaging / annual equivalent – both of which are acceptable to SARS. These methods will be discussed with reference to monthly-paid employees…
6th Jul, 2020
Income Tax
Income tax is the government's main source of income and is levied in terms of the Income Tax Act, 1962 [the Act].
Income tax is levied on residents' worldwide income, with appropriate relief to avoid…